Post Incorporation Compliance of Private Company


A Private Limited Company is the most popular form of corporate legal identity in India. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs governs the company registration in India as per the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. 

It can be initiated with a minimum of two Directors (Individuals only) and two Shareholders (Individuals or Corporate entities). 

Both Directors and Shareholders may or may not be the same person. A Private Limited Company is preferred as it ensures limited liability and provides a separate legal entity to the business. 

The company incorporation procedure results in clear ownership of the company defined by the share capital. Incorporation of a company is the first step in scaling your business as it paves the way for outside funding while enabling you to attract top talent by offering stock options. After Incorporation, Management should aware of the Post-Incorporation Compliances to avoid any penalties or punishments.


S No.
Compliance Requirement
Compliance Threshold Limit
First Meeting
Within 30 Days, As per Section 173(1) Every company shall hold the first meeting of the Board of Directors within thirty days of the date of its incorporation
Verification of Registered Office (INC-22)
Within 30 days of its incorporation, In case of company chooses only correspondence address while filing Spice + Form, INC-22 Need to be filled.
First Statutory Auditor (ADT-1)
Within 30 days of its incorporation, According to Section 139(1), the first auditor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors , Failing which, the members shall appoint the auditor within 90 days at an extraordinary general meeting. The term of the first auditor shall be until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting
Commencement of Business as per Section 10A of the Act (INC-20A)

Within 180 days from the date of incorporation
[One time filing]


S No.
Documents to be filled
Annual Compliance
Annual Report as per Section 137 of the Act

AOC 4 or -AOC-4 – XBRL
Filing of Form in XBRL mandatory if the Paid-up Capital is Rs.5 Crore or more or if the turnover is Rs.100 crore or more.

Within 30 days from the date of Annual General Meeting or within 30 days from the last date before which the annual general meeting should have been held.

Annual Return as per Section 92 of the Act

MGT -07
Along with MGT 07, attaching MGT-08- (Certificate from practicing company Secretary is mandatory), if the paid-up Capital is Rs. 10 crores or more or if the turnover is Rs.50 Crores or more.
Within 60 days from the date of Annual General Meeting or within 60 days from the last date before which the annual general meeting should have been held

Return on dues from small and Medium enterprises

MSME – 1
This form is required to be filed every half year by companies who get supplies of goods or services from micro and small enterprises and whose payments to micro and small enterprise suppliers exceed forty five days from the date of acceptance or the date of deemed acceptance of the goods or services


Threshold/ Event Based Compliances
If the paid-up capital of Rs.10 Crores or more as at end of preceding financial year.

Appointment of Whole Time Company Secretary

If the borrowings from Banks and Public Financial Institutions in excess of Rs. 50 Crores at any time

Establishment of Vigil Mechanism under section 177(10) of the Act.

a) Paid Up Capital Rs. 50 Crores or more or
b) Borrowings from Financial Institutions, Banks or Public Deposits of Rs. 50 Crores or more as at end of preceding financial year

Not Applicable to:
One person companies and Small companies
Appointment of Auditors on rotation basis

a) Turn Over of Rs. 1000 Crores or
b) Net Worth of Rs. 500 Crores or
c) Net Profit of Rs. 5 Crore during the immediately preceding financial year

Establish Corporate Social Responsibility Committee & Provisions thereof as per section 135 of the act

a) Turn Over of Rs. 200 Crores or more during the preceding financial year or

b) Outstanding Loan from banks and institutions of Rs. 100 Crores or more at any point of time during the preceding financial year

Internal Audit

If the outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial institutions of Rs. 100 crores or more on the last date of latest audited financial statement or if the private company is a material listed subsidiary, compliance audit as mandated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is mandatory.

Secretarial Audit

In case the Company has any Subsidiary or Associate Company

Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet

a) Indian subsidiaries of Listed Companies or
b) Companies with Paid up capital of Rs.5 Crores or more or
c) Turnover of Rs.100 crores or more

Not applicable to:
1.    NBFC
2.    Housing Finance Companies
3.   Banking Companies
4.   Insurance Companies

Filing Financial Statements in Extensible Reporting Format [XBRL] Format {Form AOC-4 XBRL}

Private Company except those listed below to prepare cash flow statement

Not Applicable to:
a) One Person Company
b) Small company
c) Dormant company
d) Private company (if such private company is a start up)

Cash flow statement shall form part of Financial Statements

Every private company and private company being a subsidiary or holding company of a public company and to a foreign company 2(42) shall require Statutory Auditors to submit matters stated under CARO to be reported in their Auditor’s Report.

Not Applicable to:
a) Banking company
        b) Insurance company
        c) Section 8 Company
        d) One Person Company
        e) Small company
        f) Private limited company, which is not a subsidiary or holding company of a public company, having:
        i. Paid up capital and Reserves and surplus not more than Rs. 1 crore as on the balance sheet date and
        ii. Total borrowings not exceeding Rs. 1 crore from any bank or financial institution at any point of time during the financial year
        iii. Total revenue as disclosed in Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 (including revenue from discontinuing operations) not exceeding Rs. 10 crores during the financial year as per the financial statements.

Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order 2016

Change of Registered Office with in state
1.   Shifting within the local limits of same any city / town or village
2.    Shifting outside the local limits of same any city / town or village

Change of Registered office from one State to another State:

INC- 22
1.Within 30 days of approval of board of directors
2. Within 30 days of special resolution passed at the general meeting
INC 22
Within 15 days from the date of confirmation by the Regional Director. Application to be made to Regional Director after approval by way of special resolution by shareholders at the general meeting.
Shifting from jurisdiction of the Registrar to another Registrar within same State
Application to be made to Regional Director after approval by way of special resolution by shareholders at the general meeting
Alteration of Memorandum of Association as per Section 13 of the Act

1. Change of Name of Company

 2.Alteration of Object Clause of Memorandum of Association
   3. Conversion of Private Company to Public Company
INC 24

1.Within 30 days of special resolution passed at the general meeting

2. Within 30 days of special resolution passed at the general meeting
3. Within 15 days of special resolution passed at the general meeting

Return of Deposit as per Section 73 of the Act
DPT -3
To give particulars of loans and deposits which are not treated as deposits  as per provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 2 of Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014.
On or before 30th June of every Financial Year.
For creation or Modification of Charge as per Section 77 of the act


Within a period of 30 days from the date of creation or modification or within additional fees as applicable after 30 days. However, filing of form not possible beyond 120 days from the date of such creation or modification

For Satisfaction of Charge

Within 30 days from the date of the payment or satisfaction in full of any charge registered with the Registrar of Companies. If the filing could not be done within the aforesaid 30 days, it can be done by making an application to the Registrar within 300 days of such payment or satisfaction paying the prescribed additional fee.

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