DIR-3KYC in an E-form introduced by MCA on 5th July 2018 to verify the particulars of an individuals who has been allotted Director Identification Number (DIN) which can be obtained by filing DIR-3 at any time.


DIR-3 KYC is required to be filed pursuant to Rule 12A and Rule 11(2) and (3) of The Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.


Every individual who has been allotted Director Identification Number (DIN) as on or before 31st March, 2018 is mandatorily required to E-form DIR-3-KYC for the said financial year to the Central Government on or before 30th September of Immediate next financial year.


In case E-form DIR-3 KYC already filed in relation to any previous F.Y. (provided no change in Email ID and Contact no.) then DIR-3 KYC-WEB (web-form) through the web service over MCA portal is required to be file in relation to any subsequent F.Y.


S. No.




What is DIN?

- An unique 8-digit no. allotted by CG

- Valid for lifetime

- Prerequisite to get appointment as Director in a Company

-Single DIN is used for multiple appointments.


What is DIR-3KYC/WEB and its Due date?

- An E-form or web based form is to be filed by every individual who possess DIN.

Due Date: on or before 30th September of immediate next F.Y.

-Basically it is KYC (know your customer) of Directors holding DIN.

NOTE: All Directors require DIN, BUT all DIN holders may not be Directors


Who is to file this form?


-Any person who has been allotted DIN as on or before 31st March of a F.Y. required to file DIR-3 KYC by due date.

- If DIR-3KYC has already been filed during previous F.Y. then DIR-3KYC WEB is to be filed.

NOTE: If there is change in Mobile No or E-mail Id provided earlier then DIR-3 KYC to be file again.


What is link between DIR-6 and DIR-3KYC and DIR-3KYC WEB?


(It is assumed here that DIR-3 KYC of Director has been done atleast once)

Sit 1# If there is only Change in Email ID or Mobile No. then DIR-3KYC need to be filed.


Sit 2# In case of any change other than above then DIR-6 need to be filed within 30 days of Such Change and DIR-3KYC shall also be filed by annexing the proof of such change.


Sit 3# In any other situation, DIR-3KYC WEB need to be file by validating OTP over E-mail ID and Phone No.


Fee and Other Requirements

-There is no fee to furnish this form by due date i.e., 30th September of immediate next F.Y.

- late fee after due date shall be Rs. 5000/-

- Mandatory documents are here under:

n  DIN (Director Identification No.)

n  PAN CARD (in case of Citizen of India)

n  Adhaar Card (if any)

n  Passport (if any)

n  Voters ID (Optional)

n  Unique Mobile No. and E-mail ID

n  Proof of Permanent Address and present Address

n  DSC of the DIN holder

Imp Pointer:

It is a good practice to self attest the documents stated above.


Consequences of Non filing of DIR-3KYC or DIR-3KYC WEB on Directors by due date?

Status of DIN shall be converted to Deactivated with reasons as Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC and its impact on Directors:

²  He cant be appoint as director in any new Company or LLP.

²  He cant resign from any Company or LLP.

²  He cant mention his DIN on any document in relation to Company


Effect of Non Filing of DIR-3KYC or DIR-3KYC WEB on Companies or LLPs?


²  Company shall not be able to file any annual form like AOC-4 and MGT-7 with ROC.

²  Company shall not be able to file any other form with DSC of director whose din has been deactivated.

²  Company shall not be able to get any doc. signed from such Director and mention his DIN no.

²  Company Shall not be able to furnish E-Active form.


Effect of CFSS-2020 on DIR-3KYC or DIR-3KYC WEB

Under Companies Fresh Start Scheme-2020(CFSS-2020), an E-form DIR-3 KYC or DIR-3-KYC-WEB in relation to any F.Y. can be furnished without Additional fees of Rs. 5000/-


Link to CFSS-2020 Eligible forms:




 Ø  OTP is valid for a span of 30 minutes and can be resend 10 times a day and further try next day or may download fresh form.

Ø  It is an annual form ( DIR-3KYC or DIR-3KYC WEB to be furnish accordingly)

Ø  In case of Death of DIN Holder, the DIN is to be surrender by filing E-form DIR-5.

Ø  No Penal provisions to get attracted due to Non Compliance of this Rule.



E-form DIR-3 KYC OR DIR-3-KYC WEB is to be complied on annual basis to keep ones DIN status as ACTIVE or APPROVED and aid MCA to maintain its registry. The form is approved on Straight through Process (STP) mode and approval mail shall be sent to the Email ID of the applicant and to the user who has filed the e-form.

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 A Commerce Graduate from Delhi University and Budding Company Secretary.

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